
R:GDD:Gameplay:1A -
The user will have a 1st person view

R:GDD:Gameplay:1B -
Player movement will be both for computer and for Xbox.

R:GDD:Gameplay:2A -
Throughout your journey in the game, you will run into several people. These people can help you get things that you greatly need to continue on. These people can also be enemies. Enemy AI will use dijkstra's algorithm. In order to obtain these items you must perform a favor. The overall goal is to return to the city in which you are from to find your family. That is the premise of the story line and will be the main goal in order to complete the game. You must do whatever is necessary in order to find them.

R:GDD:Gameplay:2B -
Enemies' difficulties throughout the game will spawn accordingly to your player level/progress in the game.

R:GDD:Gameplay:3 -
There are going to be a couple of screens for the game. A simple splash screen at the beginning and a title/menu screen to begin the game. There is also going to be a pause screen and a game over screen.